In a globalised and international economy, we can ensure high-quality advice and representation for our clients worldwide, even in foreign jurisdictions. Since 2002, we have been part of the international law network TAGLaw, a network of selected, competent medium-sized commercial law firms that are very familiar with the respective local conditions and with whom we cooperate closely. This means that we have access to trustworthy and familiar cooperation partners in over 110 countries, many of whom are known to us personally, especially in Europe, the USA and Canada.
Through the cooperation with our colleagues in the partner law firms, we are also able to provide competent support to clients with cross-border mandates. Through TAGLaw, we not only have the national knowledge and experience to accompany and support our clients in their projects and disputes, but can also guarantee this worldwide. Wherever a business opportunity or challenge arises for our clients, we can recommend a contact person through TAGLaw.